Old Ghanaian Gospel

Classic: Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete Mp3 Download

Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete Mp3 Download

In a world where dreams often face daunting obstacles, gospel singer Tagoe Sisters has emerged as a beacon of inspiration with the release of her latest single, “Anka Matete” As we puts it, “The mandate is clear. I feel the Lord’s call on my life to lead people into His presence- to lead them to worship.

This powerful anthem resonates with a message of unwavering faith, encouraging listeners to hold fast to their aspirations and trust in God’s ability to manifest the impossible.

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Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete
Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete

The Tagoe Sisters are a renowned Ghanaian gospel music group composed of three sisters: Elizabeth, Margaret, and Cecilia Tagoe. Born in Accra, Ghana, they began their music career in the 1970s and have since become legends in the Ghanaian gospel music industry.

The sisters grew up in a musical family and were exposed to music from a young age. They started singing together in their local church and eventually formed the Tagoe Sisters group. Their music career took off in the 1970s with their debut album, “Nyame Ye,” which became a huge success in Ghana and beyond.

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Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete
Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete

Released several hit albums, including “Nyame Ye,” “Mmoa Yena,” and “Awurade Wo Nhyira”
Won numerous awards, including the Ghana Gospel Music Award for Best Group Performed at various concerts and events, including the Ghana Music Awards and the African Gospel Music Awards Collaborated with other notable Ghanaian gospel artists, such as J.A. Adofo and the Sifa Gospel Choir
Impact on Ghanaian Gospel Music.

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The Tagoe Sisters have played a significant role in popularizing gospel music in Ghana and beyond. Their music has inspired countless other artists, and they are widely regarded as pioneers in the Ghanaian gospel music industry. Enjoy this song from Tagoe Sisters

Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete
Tagoe Sisters Anka Matete

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